Friday, December 3, 2010

End Game in Tokyo

As we are in the last week of our stay in Tokyo, I would like to share some random and diverse adventures and thoughts. To the right is a field on the Kurokawa hills as we wandered about exploring the beauty of a Japanese fall day. For those of you who know me, this is a new Marcel. He walks mountains, stretches his legs in fields covered with nature. The awesome experience here is that we were the only ones walking about. No cars, no people, no animals. The good news, we did not get lost and my knee actually enjoyed the pain.

We are, to some extent, slowing down. Since our return from Okinawa we have stayed close to home, exploring some awesome museums and gardens around this city. Piki will have more to say about this.

Yes that is the adventure couple in the centre of the family shot. This is the LBS alumni evening in Tokyo  and I was the guest speaker. My topic was "What they did not teach us at LBS". Although I was familiar with the topic, it was an intimidating crowd and occasion. The previous session was a Beajolais Nouveau evening. What a tough act to follow, particularly with such a bright, "creme de la creme" crowd. There was even a second generation LBS graduate.

This was definitely another chance for Marcel to strut his stuff. Ask Piki if you want to know how did I do. For me it was a really great honour both to speak and chat with some of the alumni.

A bit of retrospection. The big question at the outset of this adventure was "what shall we do for over 2 months". The real answer is more the opposite. We are now saying, what do set aside since we do not have enough time. Many explorations shall have to wait for our next visit, my writing shall have to wait for Israel.

Sunday night we are having a multi-cultural "until we meet again" party at our apartment. Pizza and Sushi are on the menu for our new friends.

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