Sunday, December 18, 2011

Adventures in the Snow

Well, we had this brilliant idea, and was agreed to by our friends, Makko and Akiyo. Let us go up to Sendai and explore this beautiful area north of Tokyo, along the water and into the mountains. We were also encouraged by an accompanying delegation from the Ship for World Youth. Then our friends, Amatzia and Shoshi added in for a Kokeshi doll hunt.

Our clothing strategy was simple, layers, layers and more. Well, as you can tell by the photo, it was not enough. The wind blew, the snow fell and the sun shone. Just like back home. In fact, many of you would think that this was from back home in Montreal, if the population was fundamentally of Japanese origins. Even on days like this, there was a determined trek up to the shrine at the top of the hill. Yes, we were slipping and sliding and slightly cold, even freezing. However, as you have come to expect from our trip there is an adventure around the corner, up the hill.

There was this group heading up to the shrine, all dressed in their winter finest. To my surprise, we were invited in to join a most wonderful ceremony which dates by 800 years. There I was, next to the priest, on my knees, as he chanted on the occasion of the rice harvest. How I managed to keep that position with little pain and much enthusiasm is a testament to the ceremony. This village was part of the area which was affected by the tzunami. The event was moving for both of us and  we were part of it. Wow.

Yes, the snow here is just as cold as back home.


Like Marcel, I was moved by the rice harvesting ceremony at the temple, a ceremony which has been conducted annually for 800 years!

In spite of my "temporary retirement" I still think like a therapist. I was touched by the head monk's words about the importance of the ceremony in this year, following the devastation by the Tsunami. I was reflecting on how important rituals are in times of pain and loss. The Rice gathering ceremony reaffirms the power of life. In spite of the devastation, life goes on, rice is being gathered and being thanked for in the temple.

Another special experience for us was a Sushi lunch in a restaurant on the coast, which reopened after the Tsunami. The location, Matsushima, was not as badly affected as other areas (The small Islands in Matsushima bay provided some protection from the Tsunami). The chef (in the photo) thanked us for being the first gaijin (foreigners) to come to his restaurant since the Tsunami hit. I choose to believe that our visit gave some hope and encouragement: The tourists will be back!  (I highly recommend it, Matsushima is beautiful!

Oyasoo minesai


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